Tenancy Renewal fees are a common bug bear for landlords, find out how you could make savings with Prop Home.
There’s nothing worse than receiving unexpected charges from lettings agents, that was one of the findings of our research with landlords. The most common bug bear that kept cropping up was Tenancy Renewal fees.
Some landlords we spoke to received charges of over £200 in renewal fees, every 6 or 12 months. For landlords with larger portfolios this can amount to a significant cost and to those with a single property, it can be an unexpected and unnecessary expense. When we launched our new Prop Home services to residential landlords, we made a commitment that we would eliminate hidden charges such as Tenancy Renewal fees. We aim to be completely transparent and to ensure that our contracts are based on a competitive fixed fee, rather than gaining extra income through additional charges. We strongly believe that the industry needs to become more transparent, so landlords can be reassured that they won’t be hit with hidden costs which can amount to thousands of pounds over the years.
The beauty of our sophisticated online system for property management is that landlords can carry out everything they need electronically and it is really quick and simple. Our landlords who have come on board with us recently have been surprised and delighted with our transparent approach and the fact that there are no hidden costs. So if you are a disgruntled landlord of one or a whole portfolio of properties then why not come and talk to us. We are keen to show you how our unique approach to property management could really make your life so much simpler, giving you the reassurance and peace of mind that your properties are being taken care of.
Prop Home is an online lettings and property management agency based in South Yorkshire. We offer competitive rates and a transparent service that landlords trust. We provide a highly personalised and unique landlord experience; this includes everything from an initial free consultation through to full management and all landlord services in between. We carry out property management services for UK landlords and property owners in Hong Kong and Shanghai. The business is owned by Paul Harrison and David Wright, who collectively have over 40 years’ experience in the property management and lettings business.
If you are a private landlord who would like to know how we can help, call 0345 8686 868 or email info@prophome.co.uk.